Born 1973 in Hranice na Moravě, lives and works in Bezměrov near Kroměříž, Czech Republic.


1988-92 SUPŠ Uherské Hradiště, painting
Academy of Fine Arts Prague, sculpting (Hugo Demartini, Jan Hendrych, Jindřich Zeithamml)
1996-98 Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno, sculpting (Vladimír Preclík)
1996-00 DAMU-ALD Prague, scenography (Miroslav Melena , Pavel Kalfus)

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Solo exhibitions

1999 Garden Stromovka, Praha ( 16 objects)
2000 synagogue, Hranice
2000 eastern bohemian gallery, Pardubice ( 12 objects)
2000 Former church sv. Václava, Opava
2001 Chateau and Flower garden, Kroměříž ( 15 objects)
2002 Castle, Hranice ( 23 objects)
2003 Square, Zlín ( 10 objects)
2007 Club theatre 29, Pardubice ( foto - alteration in sculpture lab park )
2007 Castle, Hranice ( 2 objects )
2008 Gallery Ceasar, Olomouc ( sculpture )
2010 Gallery Kaple, Valašské Meziříčí ( sculpture, foto )

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Selection from group exhibitions / residence

1993 gallery Medium, Bratislava ( sculptor's school - Hugo Demartini )
1994 hrad Helfštýn ( symposium )
1996 Králíky ( symposium )
1997 Kaämkapää, Finsko ( symposium )
1998 residential Plasy ( crystal )
1998 Olomouc ( Sloup )
1999 gallery AVU, Prag ( shell )
1999 residential Art-Omi stát New York, USA ( shell )
1999 demolition-4+4day be under way , Prag ( residential )
2000 castle Sovinec ( object )
2000 spa Bludov ( object )
2000 Erlbach, Německo ( 16-2 )
2000 Rezidence Čimelice ( Ulity, Nebe na Zemi )
2001 Muzeum, Uh.Hradiště ( Návraty III )
2001 Přední Kopanina ( symposium )
2001 Valtice - Big format ( night-time paintings )
2002 gallery Navratil, Prag ( association sculptura )
2002 granary, Klenová ( wilderness - nature, soul, tongue )
2002 komplex Slavonic building, Prag ( residential space )
2002 Plauen, Německo ( Strasse der skulpuren )
2003 museum , Kroměříž ( sculptor regional Zlín I )
2003 national art gallery, Prag ( youngest )
2003 Únětice, Praha ( time enlightened )
2004 Hypovereinsbank-Atrium, Berlin ( Seven sculptor regional Zlín )
2005 Muzeum, Plzeň ( position present-day - stage Olomouc )
2005 Reduta, Uherské Hradiště ( sculptor 05, at film school )
2005 Voorburg, Holandsko ( exhibition sister city )
2005 castle, town hall , Hranice ( exhibition sister city )
2006 Konstancin - Jeziorna, Polsko ( exhibition sister city )
2006 Temeculy, USA - Kalifornie ( exhibition sister city )
2006 Zapadočeské muzeum, Plzeň ( festival tea and different culture )
2008 Vltava 2008, Prag ( building on waterfront )
2008 Kateřinské gardens, Prag ( show off nothing )
2010 Park Kolibki, Gdyně, Polsko ( "Plážovka" - beach building )
2011 Floral garden, Kroměříž ( "from wheel to sguare" )

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realization - sculpture

2005 object in city Voorburg v Holandsku
2007 object in interior building Orio, Ostrava
2007 object in garden - castle, Hranicích
2012 object in forest park, Jablonec nad Nisou

next realization

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project aktivit

1993 object in garden Stromovka, Prag ( realized 1999, cooperation doc. Miroslav Melena)
1998 family house, Hrubá Skála ( realized 2004, cooperation doc. Miroslavem Melenou)
2002 reconstruction family house Bezměrov ( realized 2010)
2003 park, Bohdalice ( project, cooperation garden architect Ing. Martina Krčmy)
2003 project theatr in Prag 7 ( project, cooperation architect Roman Brychta)
2004 project in private garden, Prag ( plan, cooperation garden architect Věra Dudková)
2004 compound ecological centre , Sluňákov ( project I, cooperation studio Projektil)
2004 park, Bučovice ( project, cooperation garden architect Ing. Martina Krčmy)
2004 Park Sítenské údolí, Kladno ( realized 2006, cooperation architect Janem Červeným)
2005 object in garden - castle, Hranice ( realized 2007, cooperation architect Tomaš Kočnar)
2005 forest park belveder, Prag - zbraslav ( project, cooperation studio Projektil)
2006 proposal furniture - in front of national technical library , Prag ( plan, cooperation studio Projektill)
2006 objects compound ecological centre, Sluňákov ( plan, cooperation studio Projektil)
2007 garden building - winw cellar, Přerov ( plan)
2008 castle park Jilemnice ( project, cooperation architect Jitka Hoffmeisterová a Gábina Čížková)
2009 object in forest park, Jablonec nad Nisou (realized 2012,cooperation architect Roman Balatka Maršík-Atelieru 4)
2010 compound ecological centre, Sluňákov ( project II, cooperation studio Projektil)
2011 furniture centra non-govermental and non-profit-making organization- Partnerství, Brno ( competition plan)
2012 object on waterfront - Labské kotliny, Hradec Králové ( plan)

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Theatre stage design

2000 Kóbo Abé - friends , Theater studio Ypsilon, Prag ( stage and costume )
2007 Villon F.( Hang noose on neck ), Theater in Uherském Hradišti ( stage and animation )
2008 Mein Faust, Theater in Uherském Hradišti ( stage )
2009 Ideal husband, National Theater Brno ( stage )
2009 ladies' room, Studio Dva, Švandovo Theater , Praha ( stage )
2011 Chaos above chaos, Theater Polárka, Brno ( stage and animation )
2012 Aischylos - Oresteia, City Theater Zlín ( stage )

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Miloslav Fekar, In park Stromovka, Fokus, Praha 1999
synagogue Hranice, Inka, Hranice 4/2000
Pardubice , Inka, Hranice 6/2000
Sky on the earth and light perforated shell, Retis Krnov, Opava 12/2000
Wandering Project, Katos Přerov, Kroměříž 2001
Shape and light, castle Hranice, Inka, Hranice 2002
Shape and light from city Zlín, Katos cz, s.r.o. Přerov, Zlín 2003
Miloslav Fekar - sculptures, galerie Ceasar, Olomouc 2008

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Author in publications

Demartini - Sculptor`s school II , gallery Medium , Orman , Bratislava 1993
Dictionary czech and slovak of visual artist 1950-98, Centre of visual art Chagall , Ostrava 1998
Sculptor's symposium column 98 , gallery Caesar , Sprint Olomouc 1998
Grand Prix architect village , Architekt , a.f.BKK, Prag 2000
Sculpture fashionable in Prag , agency Who is Who, Prag 2000
Sculptor's symposium Přední Kopanina 2001, Ledoborec, Prag 2001
Strasse der Skulpturen, Plauen 2002
Czech personality the pesent day, agency Who is Who, Prag 2002
Youngest, National art gallery - Trade fair palace , Prag 2003
Czech personality architecture, agency Who is Who, Prag 2003
Rooms for boys, Tokyo, Japan 2005
Visual Artists of the Town of Hranice, city Hranice, 2009
Projektil 2002/2008, gallery Jaroslava Fragnera, Prag, 2009
Nature uncommonness, building-landscape-people-Sluňákov 1992-2012, university palacky in Olomouci, 2012

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Media na ČT 2 - film for Miloslavu Fekarovi - 14.6. 2008 ( v pořadu od 5,50min do 12,15min).
Naš venkov na ČT 2 - documentary film - 18.7. 2009
Chalupa je hra na ČT 1 - documentary film - house Bezměrov

Object "Plážovka" - beach building -
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Text - Jiří Zemánek: about Wandering project

With his sculptures Miloslav Fekar brings the specific shape of local sculptor's post-minimalism into existence, the crucial impulse of which has been presented during the second half of 1980's in the creative work of Jan Ambrůz. Characteristic in this respect is the combination of sculptors art with the nature, a feature which also for M. Fekar has become a unique approach to the "seited sculpture", manifesting itself in structures, sometimes highly variable, and reflecting places in which these structures can hardly deny their relationship to the earthiness and which stress the hand-made features of the work, put together mainly from wood and featuring the carpenter's design. Last but not least this makes a reference to a geometry with a specific archetypal symbolic forms, linked mostly with some architectural motives such as the column, the temple, arbour, the gate etc. in which the human need for order between earth and the heaven is manifested. ... whole text...

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Kateřina Pavlíčková: In the park

The First large single exhibition of the young sculptor Miloslav Fekar (born in 1973 in Hranice na Moravě) has a bit uncommon character. The fact that it takes place in Stromovka park in Prague is not so surprising, if we review the artists previous work. Fekar's work essentially belongs to the natural environment - and it is not just because he uses mostly natural materials (wood), or because his sculptures - objects - are mostly in a monumental dimension that would hardly fit into the limited space of a gallery. It appears to me that the main reason of his choice is the character and the message of his works. ... whole text...

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